Sprog Dcc Driver Download


Sprog Dcc Driver Download

Sprog Dcc Driver Download Windows 10

SprogSprog Dcc Driver Download

Driver for Windows 10

DCC, electronics and design services for model rail SPROG - the most comprehensive DCC programmer family High performance, affordable DCC solutions Bachrus DCC rolling road Speedometer The Bachrus Speedometer works with a rolling road setup, and DecoderPro software to offer precision measurement of the speed of your loco throughout its range. SPROG II has sufficient power to program sound decoders, even in large scales, so no power booster is necessary. SPROG II works with all those 'difficult' decoders that don't seem to read back on other systems. SPROG II also includes the ability to test your locos, or run your layout, with on-screen computer control, and full DCC operation.

Sprog Dcc Windows 10


Hi all,
New here. About a year ago, I came across a used Sprog II, maybe several years old, so I bought it. Been using DecoderPro at my club for several years. Recently I had my computer upgraded to Windows 10. Now my DecoderPro no longer will come up. It complains about the Com numbers not being right (not sure what Com numbers have to do with USB). I have uninstalled everything and started over. Even went through the process of removing the Windows 7 driver signature.
Now I am lost. When I start DP, it says 'Unable to complete connection'. Where it lists two com port before, no it only shows COM1 and says it is in use.

Hi all,
USB = Universal Serial Bus.
No, it's not your grandfather's 9 pin sub D connector but it's still serial communications and everything that gets plugged in has its own Com number.
For example, when I plug an Arduino Mega (microprocessor) into my laptop's USB port it usually comes up as Com 8. When I plug an Arduino Nano into the same USB port, it usually comes up as Com 6. Sometimes those same boards come up as 7 and 4 but it all illustrates the point.
Sorry, I don't have an immediate answer for your Windows10 issue. Does DecoderPro open without the sprog plugged in?

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On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 9:02 AM Alan Cushing via groups.io <ascushing=yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Hi all,
New here. About a year ago, I came across a used Sprog II, maybe several years old, so I bought it. Been using DecoderPro at my club for several years. Recently I had my computer upgraded to Windows 10. Now my DecoderPro no longer will come up. It complains about the Com numbers not being right (not sure what Com numbers have to do with USB). I have uninstalled everything and started over. Even went through the process of removing the Windows 7 driver signature.
Now I am lost. When I start DP, it says 'Unable to complete connection'. Where it lists two com port before, no it only shows COM1 and says it is in use.

I believe you need first to open Device Manager which will tell you what Comm port the Sprog is connecting to. Then when you start Decoder Pro you should use Edit: Preferences to choose that port for the Sprog. You will then need to restart Decoder Pro.

Check this page for drivers and instructions
Peter Ulvestad
Sprog-DCC Group Moderator - http://www.sprog-dcc.co.uk/ ( http://www.sprog-dcc.co.uk/ )
JMRI users Group Moderator - http://www.jmri.org ( http://www.jmri.org )
Tam Valley Group Moderator - http://tamvalleydepot.com/ ( http://tamvalleydepot.com/ )
Edmonton Model Railroad Association - http://www.emra.club/

Unfortunately Microsoft made things more difficult to install the unsigned drivers for some types of device.
Please see the doc about driver installation on our website https://www.sprog-dcc.co.uk/downloads/Win8-10Installation.pdf You may need to reinstall after future Windows updates.
If it's a plain SPROG II (not a IIv3 or IIv4) then there is a procedure to change the SPROG II to use signed drivers. See the sticky thread ion this group https://groups.io/g/sprog-dcc/topic/28836868?p=Created,20,1,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,20,2,0,28836868 if that sounds too complicated for you then we also offer this conversion on our website.

I went through the 'Disable Driver Routine' again and got a window that I hadn't seen before so maybe that helped. I made a folder under 'drivers', making sure that they showed up as a folder under the JMRi/drivers folder. When I ran the driver installation, selecting that folder, it said that installation was successful. However, in the Device Manager it still lists the Sprog under 'Universal Serial Bus Controllers ' but not under 'Ports'. When I go into the DecoderPro Preferences/Connections, it only offers COM1 as the only option and says that it already used. There used to be a 2nd COM number listed as an option. ???

that says you got half way; now do the exact same thing again to install the second apart of the driver to make a serial port appear for the now-recognized device.
Step by step as in the instructions that you have already been using, but you need to go through twice.

Normally the installation takes you through the two steps in sequence, without explicitly doing it twice, but this is Windows and there seem to be so many variables...